Radio Free Skaro #389 - A Holiday For The Doctor
Doctor Who: Radio Free Skaro - En podkast av The Three Who Rule
A trailer! A trailer! Maybe not THE trailer we've all been waiting for, but certainly a fitting tribute to 50 years of Doctor Who, with a frankly insane number of homages and visual cues stuffed into a minute of pure nostalgia. In true timey-wimey fashion, the Three Who Rule recorded the bulk of this episode BEFORE the trailer came out, but Steven and Warren were able to admonish their past selves and give their brief thoughts on the trailer, mostly consisting of "ooo," "ahhh," and "gear!"
But lest you think a minute of visually splendiferous pandering was all that was covered in this episode of RFS, feast your earballs on a Miniscope featuring an interview with Liz Myles, the co-editor of Chicks Unravel Time and a member of the Verity! podcast, as she sings the praises of the Graham Williams era. Steven, Warren and Chris also cover the peaks and valleys of the Williams era, in addition to bantering about non-trailer related news. Fantasallonsonimo!
Check out the show notes at