Radio Free Skaro #387 - The Velvet Web
Doctor Who: Radio Free Skaro - En podkast av The Three Who Rule
As we turn the corner into October in this 50th anniversary year of Doctor Who, the Three Who Rule reach the halfway point in their odyssey of covering the eras of each producer of the classic series in the Miniscope. This week, the Barry Letts epoch is the focus, a five year stretch of classic episodes that vaulted Doctor Who from a Saturday tea-time tradition to a British television institution. A lifelong fan of the era, Gary Russell, who has been involved with the show in many ways since the early 1980s, joins us to discuss the many strengths of Lett's time on the show. Steven, Warren, and Chris also reunite to discuss the news of the week, including details of a worldwide simulcast of The Day of the Doctor, which were announced earlier this week. Fun and exciting!
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