Radio Free Skaro #362 - Ice Hot

Doctor Who: Radio Free Skaro - En podkast av The Three Who Rule


After a wait of almost 40 years, the Ice Warriors have returned to Doctor Who, with at least (and let's be honest, at most) one heavily armoured, lumbering green menace is back to make the lives of an 80's crew of Soviet submariners a soggy, terrifying hell. Mark Gatiss, a Who polymath with some hits and a few misses under his belt, brings the claustrophobic terror with "Cold War," but the real question is, what did the Three Who Rule think of the story? With precious little to discuss besides this episode and stats, stats, stats (and more stats) they expostulated at length, coming perilously close to beating Douglas McKinnon's expertly paced tale's running time with their balderdash and bafflegab.

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