Radio Free Skaro #360 - Quadracyclephenia
Doctor Who: Radio Free Skaro - En podkast av The Three Who Rule
New Doctor Who! And given such an auspicious occasion, it was no surprise that the Three Who Rule yammered on length about "The Bells of Saint John," and then further prognosticated on the news that David Tennant and Billie Piper will in fact return for the 50th anniversary special. Debate on the proper levels of fanwankiness for the special, speculation on the many hints and tidbits Moffat has seeded throughout his tenure leading up to November 23rd, 2013 and other wishes and dreams for the upcoming season were all grist for the fevered (and possibly insane) minds of the RFS crew. All this and various other tidbits of news, and more importantly, no stats. (Don't worry, stats will be back in full force next week).
Check out the show notes at