Radio Free Skaro #342 - Cinephiles And Audio Files
Doctor Who: Radio Free Skaro - En podkast av The Three Who Rule
The impending arrival of Christmas Day means two things: excitement for "The Snowmen" is rising to fever pitch, and…Chris is super busy and couldn't be part of this week's proceedings. Steven and Warren made up for his absence by immediately taking the whole business off the rails and discussing the Hobbit's use of 48fps. After much debate and incorrect references to VidFIRE, the duo got back to business and discussed the week's news before seguing into Steven's interviews with both composer and production sound expert Mark Ayres and the voices behind Verity!, a new all-female podcast coming soon to your local internet.
Stay tuned on December 26th (known as Boxing Day here in the frozen wilds of Canada and as Wednesday in the US of A) for our review of "The Snowmen"!
Check out the show notes at