Radio Free Skaro #324 - Tinfoil Terrors
Doctor Who: Radio Free Skaro - En podkast av The Three Who Rule
With less than two weeks to go until new Doctor Who (maybe, possibly, nothing confirmed...) this week's news unsurprisingly revolved around both actual Series 7 news, like the screening of Asylum of the Daleks at the British Film Institute, and the spoilery spoler-free reviews of said screening by some of the UK's leading printed fishwrap merchants. Ticket sales for the upcoming NY screening of Asylum didn't go off quite so smoothly, leading the charges of heresy, treason, and bad sportsmanship on the part of BBC America. But this was all mere preamble to the main event, a scintillating commentary of parts 1 to 4 of the Invasion of Time, the seminal adventure on Gallifrey involving foil villains, arbitrary romance, and Rodan, the slinkiest air traffic controller Time Lady ever. Enjoy!
Check out the show notes at