Radio Free Skaro #232 - Hooked on Radiophonics

Doctor Who: Radio Free Skaro - En podkast av The Three Who Rule


Setting the wayback machine all the way… um, back… to Radio Free Skaro #230 you’ll remember the lads had the Randomizer throw them a curve ball in the shape of Dick Mills as a miniscope subject. As those familiar with the sound design of Doctor Who are aware, Mills is the most-credited person on the show thanks to his long tenure with the Radiophonic Workshop. Where to begin? What to discuss? The only answer was to bring in a ringer in the form of Radiophonic Workshop archivist and Doctor Who composer in his own right, Mark Ayres. Settle in with your Doctor Who sound effects LP, a nice hot beverage, and join not one but two special guests in this episode of Radio Free Skaro as we also have Chip from the Two-minute Time Lord sit in Warren’s seat for some tantalizing nerdery.


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