New To Who: Interview with Christopher H Bidmead
Doctor Who: New To Who - En podkast av New To Who: A Classic Doctor Who Introcast
NEW TO WHO meet CHRISTOPHER H BIDMEADIt is with great pleasure that we give Our #SweetDorks an interview with the Script Editor of Doctor Who during the Season 18 and writer of Logopolis, Christopher H Bidmead.Dan, Steven, and Col are joined by Christopher, who relates the story of how he became a writer, actor, and script editor of Doctor Who.Over the course of our chat, we hear Christopher talk about what it was like to inherit the show from his predecessor, Douglas Adams, what it was like to work with Tom Baker, and what parts John Nathan-Turner and Barry Letts played in the shaping of the vision of Season 18, the last of the Fourth Doctor and the first of the 1980s.Great thanks go to Christopher H Bidmead for appearing on New To Who!