Episode 13 - The Robots of Death
Doctor Who: New To Who - En podkast av New To Who: A Classic Doctor Who Introcast
NEW TO WHO AND THE ROBOTS OF DEATH On a desert planet the giant sandminer crawls through the howling sandstorms, harvesting the valuable minerals in the sand. Inside it, Dan and Steven relax in luxury, while most of the work is done by the robots who serve them. Then JR Southall arrives - and the mysterious deaths begin. First a suspect, then a hunted victim, JR must find the hidden killer - or join the other victims of The Robots of Death. The penultimate story of the acclaimed Season 14, this is perhaps the strongest four-parter of the entire Hinchcliffe and Holmes era having placed at number 11 in the DWM 2014 readers' poll. It's a fast-paced story with an overriding Art Decor aesthetic, and an incredible array of classic series imagery including the eponymous Robots of Death in red-eyed killer mode (doing it thirty years before the Ood!). Join Dan and Steven and special guest JR Southall for a story that showcases an imperious Tom Baker as the Doctor, and the wonderful Louise Jameson in only her second story as Leela of the Sevateem. You can hear more of JR on the Blue Box Podcast, which you can find on Facebook here, while JR is also on Twitter here. The cover of the original imprint of the 1979 Target novelisation for THE ROBOTS OF DEATH is by John Geary. It is written by Terrance Dicks and is based on Chris Boucher's 1977 original script. Intro theme by Our Colin (2017). Much love and thanks, Col ❤︎ Special thanks to Sarah Tout at Voice Box Media Training. NEXT MONTH: VENGEANCE ON VAROS