#53 - Josh Carroll, Ben Rische ~ Heads of Creative and Story at Steamroller Studios ~ D.A. Livecast
Directing Animation Livecast - En podkast av Scott Wiser

Originally streamed on YouTube Live Dec 13, 2023. Audio edited by Kiara Horowitz. Josh Carroll and Ben Rische are such a powerful creative team that even though they've worked together for years and are currently on Steamroller Animation & Jalil Sadool's Spice Frontier, they're collaborating after hours on their own original Graphic Novel. Ben Rische is the Head of Story at Steamroller, but that's not all. He's a great character designer, 2D FX animator, etc. / benrische Josh Carroll is not only an awesome 3D character modeler, but his input is vital enough at Steamroller Studios that this year he became the Head of Creative at Steamroller. https://www.artstation.com/kairos121 It's been inspiring to work with both of them on Spice Frontier and their earlier works inspired me before I ever knew them! Let's have a great, creative conversation! Interviewer Scott Wiser is currently supervising at Steamroller Studios and has written and directed for Spacestation Animation. He is the creator of 15 deeply meaningful feature film pitches and counting. 3 of these are Kickstarted Books and one is a short film. Any producers or executives interested in collaborating or funding Scott Wiser's projects can peruse these pitches through the application at: www.scottwiser.com/collaborate