096: I've Seen Your Style of Fun (The All-Listener Q&A Trilogy: Part II)
DC Squadcast - En podkast av 2023 DC Squadcast - Movies, TV, and Comics News DCEU DCCU DCTV Media

In this episode, Tim and Scott talk about: Patty Jenkins talks about the Wonder Woman film! Will there be ties to Batman v Superman in Wonder Woman? Why was Ares the right villain for Wonder Woman to face? How did Thor: The Dark World influence Wonder Woman? Will Chris Pine be playing a man in distress in Wonder Woman? Ciaran Hinds talks about playing Steppenwolf in Justice League! Amber Heard gushes on Jason Momoa! Patty Jenkins talks about the possibility of Joss Whedon directing Batgirl! Zack Snyder releases a photo from Henry Cavill's screen test for playing Superman! Suicide Squad songs have been streamed over 3 billion times! Stephen Amell will compete in American Ninja Warrior! Bruce Timm is writing the Batman and Harley Quinn animated film! The Bill Finger documentary has a premier date! Plus, we answer more of your questions! All of this and much more! Where to find us: Follow The Suicide Squadcast on Twitter at @SuicideSquadcst Follow Tim on Twitter at @Allenfire Follow Scott on Twitter at @ScottDC27 Email us at [email protected] Subscribe to The Suicide Squadcast Network: The Suicide Squadcast: iTunes / Google Play / Stitcher / RSS DCTV Squadcast: iTunes / Google Pl!y / Stitcher / RSS DC Comics Squadcast: iTunes / Google Play / Stitcher / RSS The show's outro music was composed by Jordan Funk from "DC Comics Squadcast"...! We are a proud member of the Batman Podcast Network! Please go check out the other great shows that can be found there!