095: I'm Not Your Fool
DC Squadcast - En podkast av 2023 DC Squadcast - Movies, TV, and Comics News DCEU DCCU DCTV Media

In this episode, Tim and Scott talk about: Will Wonder Woman and Justice League be able to win over both the fans that have liked and disliked the DCEU at the same time? Aaron Sorkin is in talks with Warner Brothers about doing a DC film! Joss Whedon is in negotiations to direct a Batgirl film! If Whedon directs the film, it will be based on the New 52 version of Batgirl! Who performed the cover of The Beatles song "Come Together" for the Justice League trailer? What has the social media buzz been for Justice League? What were the scene descriptions of the new footage for Justice League shown at CinemaCon? What did Zack Snyder tweet from CinemaCon? What did we learn about the Aquaman film in the new concept art that was shown at CinemaCon? Zack Snyder shoots down the rumored runtime for Justice League! Wonder Woman is rated PG-13! Gal Gadot gave birth to a new girl! Nicole Kidman confirms her role in Aquaman! Dylan Clark is in negotiations to join Matt Reeves for the solo Batman film! What were the final profit estimates for Batman v Superman and Suicide Squad? We got our first image of the CW's Black Lightning! All of this and much more! Where to find us: Follow The Suicide Squadcast on Twitter at @SuicideSquadcst Follow Tim on Twitter at @Allenfire Follow Scott on Twitter at @ScottDC27 Email us at [email protected] Subscribe to The Suicide Squadcast Network: The Suicide Squadcast: iTunes / Google Play / Stitcher / RSS DCTV Squadcast: iTunes / Google Pl!y / Stitcher / RSS DC Comics Squadcast: iTunes / Google Play / Stitcher / RSS The show's outro music was composed by Jordan Funk from "DC Comics Squadcast"...! We are a proud member of the Batman Podcast Network! Please go check out the other great shows that can be found there!