067: Commissioner Gordon Lights Up The Batsignal...!
DC Squadcast - En podkast av 2023 DC Squadcast - Movies, TV, and Comics News DCEU DCCU DCTV Media

In this episode Tim and Scott begin Year 2 and talk about: Time Warner's CEO Jeff Bewkes comments on the critical reception to the DC Films! Geoff Johns and Jon Berg have responsibility over DCTV as well as the films! The Batman solo film is just 18 months away! Suicide Squad continues to rake in the money at the box office! The Suicide Squad soundtrack is RIAA gold! The Suicide Squad soundtrack gets a collector's edition! Margot Robbie to host the premier episode of Saturday Night Live! Jai Courtney talks about Suicide Squad reception, a sequel and appearing in The Flash film! Elena Anaya confirms that she will be a villain in the Wonder Woman film! Zack Snyder reveals Commissioner Gordon on Batman Day! We get a close up view of the Flash costume from Batman v Superman! Henry Cavill makes some children's wishes come true! James Wan is in a full on dive into Aquaman! All seasons of Smallville are coming to Hulu! DCCW shows will be available this fall on Netflix! DC Comics and the rest of the industry are at a 20 year high for sales! All of this and much, much more great DC discussion...! The show's outro music was composed by Jordan Funk from our soon to debut sister show "DC Comics Squadcast"...! Follow The Suicide Squadcast on Twitter at @SuicideSquadcst Follow Tim on Twitter at @Allenfire Follow Scott on Twitter at @ScottDC27 Email us at [email protected] The Suicide Squadcast Network: The Suicide Squadcast DCTV Squadcast DC Comics Squadcast We are also a proud member of the Batman Podcast Network! Please go check out the other great shows that can be found there!