032: Not My Superman... Oh Shut Up Already (aka The Man Of Steel Review!)
DC Squadcast - En podkast av 2023 DC Squadcast - Movies, TV, and Comics News DCEU DCCU DCTV Media

In this episode, Tim, Scott welcome our special guest Gregg Katzman again!!! And this time, in preparation of Batman v Superman Dawn of Justice about to premier, we talk about awesome but unfairly much maligned film "Man of Steel" This episode's outro music clip is "Breathe" by Moist, the awesome band from Canada! Tell me that this song clip does not want to make you drop everything and buy it now! Check out their official store to buy their great music! Enjoy the show! This is a weekly show where we discuss the DC Films news, including the DC cinematic, TV, animated, and comic universes (DCEU, DCCU, DCTV, DCAU, DC Comics)! Follow The Suicide Squadcast on Twitter at @SuicideSquadCst Follow Tim on Twitter at @Allenfire Follow Scott on Twitter at @ScottDC27 Email us at [email protected] Follow our special guest Gregg on Twitter at @GreggKatzman We are a proud member of the Batman Podcast Network! Please go check out the other great shows that can be found there!