028: Batman Can Only Fly If He Falls Off Something (aka Justice League Begins)
DC Squadcast - En podkast av 2023 DC Squadcast - Movies, TV, and Comics News DCEU DCCU DCTV Media

In this episode, Tim and Brent talk about: Is there a conspiracy against Batman v Superman through social media? When do tickets go on sale for BvS? What are our thoughts on the Hitfix report about BvS and the fate of Justice League and Zack Snyder? What are our thoughts on BvS getting a rated R extended cut for home release? What are the early tracking numbers for BvS? What did Ben and Henry have to say on Good Morning America? What were Ben, Henry, and Gal's workout routines to get ready for BvS? What great charity videos did Henry and Jesse make for Omaze? Where will the cast of BvS be appearing after the Oscars? Who is Scoot McNairy, Jenna Malone, and Callan Mulvey playin in BvS? Who is likely making a somewhat surprise cameo in BvS? What about the Time Out travel guides for Metropolis and Gotham City? What does Tom Holkenborg say about composing for BvS? What did Jesse Eisenberg reveal to Playboy? Does Dan Amboyer do anything to fuel the rumors about him being Green Lantern? What did costume designer Michael Wilkinson say about Ben Affleck? What about the IMAX posters? What new scenes are revealed in the BvS themed Jeep commercial? What new BvS character movie posters did we get? What was the exact misspelling Margot Robbie tattooed on a Suicide Squad production member? Did Viola Davis get freaked out by Jared Leto? What are our thoughts on Transformers 5 scheduled release on the same day as Wonder Woman's film? What new reveals come from the Wonder Woman set photos? When does Justice League begin filming? What teases did we get from the first set photo released from Justice League? What is the working title for Justice League? What is new with the Flash/Supergirl crossover event? Why is Deathstroke tied up in another project and cannot be used on TV? Will be be seeing the TV version of Vixen on any other shows? What new information do we have on the NBC sitcom "Powerless" based on the DC Universe? Will Young Justice be getting a third season? What should we expect from DC Comics' Rebirth event? All of this and much, much more... and a 1 in 10 chance to win a DC Comics trade paperback worth up to $15! The Omaze charity event for Batman v Superman can be found at this link. This episode's outro music clip is "Cannonball" by The Breeders. The lead singer and guitarist is Kim Deal, formerly of The Pixies. This song is one of the most fun I have ever hear. I love the catchy guitar riff! You can buy the song and other Breeders music here! Enjoy the show! This is a weekly show where we discuss the DC Films news, including the DC cinematic, TV, animated, and comic universes (DCEU, DCCU, DCTV, DCAU, DC Comics)! Follow The Suicide Squadcast on Twitter at @SuicideSquadCst Follow Tim on Twitter at @Allenfire Follow Brent on Twitter at @real_brentac Email us at [email protected] We are a proud member of the Batman Podcast Network! Please go check out the other great shows that can be found there!