023: The Hairs Standing Up On The Back Of David Ayer's Neck

DC Squadcast - En podkast av 2023 DC Squadcast - Movies, TV, and Comics News DCEU DCCU DCTV Media


In this episode, we talk about: More from the DC Films: Dawn of The Justice League! More from the Suicide Squad Trailer #2! What question was cut from the DC Films special that Kevin Smith revealed? Just how much does Zack Snyder inspire Ben Affleck? Is Zack Snyder over having to feel like he needs to defend the destruction in Man of Steel? Who was cast as Martha Wayne in Batman v Superman? What crazy fan modification to the Batman v Superman trailer was Tim raving about? Has the Wonder Woman action figure suddenly become rare? There are six new incredible Suicide Squad statues! What made the hairs on the back of David Ayer's neck stand up? Did people keep their distance from Jared Leto on set? Who is the new Academy Award winning composer that will be doing Suicide Squad? What special prop from the set of Suicide Squad did Kevin Smith give his daughter? Will there be a Lynda Carter cameo in the Wonder Woman film? Which aunt of Wonder Woman is Robin Wright rumored to play? What new reveals do we get from the set of Wonder Woman? What the official release dates for Wonder Woman and Justice League Part 1? Will we be seeing a Gotham spin off series? What message does Grant Gustin have for the people pushing to have him as the cinematic Flash? What do we think of the new Vixen promo pic for Arrow? Is DC Comics relaunching their continuity again? What DC property was Quentin Tarantino interested in directing? ...And we announce the winner for our fourth contest!!! All of this and much, much more... and a 1 in 10 chance to win a DC Comics trade paperback worth up to $15!   This episode's outro music clip is "Peaceful Easy Feeling" by The Eagles, with lead vocals by Glenn Frey. So many great songs through the years with The Eagles and as a soloist. You will be missed Glenn, but never forgotten. Go out and pick up some of his music here.   Enjoy the show! This is a weekly show where we discuss any DC Extended Universe news, including the DC cinematic, TV, and the animated universes (DCEU, DCCU, DCTV, DCAU)!   Follow The Suicide Squadcast on Twitter at @SuicideSquadCst Follow Tim on Twitter at @Allenfire Follow Scott on Twitter at @ScottDC27 Email us at [email protected]

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