S19 Ep55: Women Who Murder: Everything Is Fair Play With The Fair Sex w/ Mitzi Szereto

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True Crime Tuesday presents Women Who Murder: Everything Is Fair Play With The Fair Sex w/ Mitzi Szereto! From historical accounts to modern cases, Mitzi Szereto's ew book, Women Who Murder: An International Collection Of True Crime Tales, explores the captivating psychology behind these killer women, unraveling their motives and unveiling the dark complexities of human behavior. On Today's TCT, Mitzi Szereto explains why everything is fair play with the fair sex!  And, just why women kill! We also go into the different scenarios behind some of these female serial killers and their motivations!  We also tackle the topic of Femicide and why men have felt the random need to kill women throughout the ages!     Check out Mitzi's website here... https://mitziszereto.com/ Get "Women Who Murder..." here:  https://bit.ly/3Ut8tNv PLUS DUMB CRIMES AND STUPID CRIMINALS WITH JESSICA FREEBURG!! Check out Jessica Freeburg's website:  https://jessicafreeburg.com/ Find all of the archives of True Crime Tuesday from the Patreon days of 2017-2021, go to our website, https://www.officialtruecrimetuesday.com/  and check out what you have missed! #crime #truecrime #truecrimepodcasts #truecrimetuesday #womenwhomurder #aninternationalcollectionoftruecrimestories #mitziszereto #joannadennehy #ruthsnyder  #karissaboudreau  #pennyboudreau #mahinqadri  #goldjewelry #monafandey #angelinanapolitano #dianathehuntress #jollyjoesph #susansmith #kathrynprice #irmagrese #angelofdeath #auschwitz #bergenbelsen #irmaspets #irmastoys #dumbcrimesstupidcriminals #TimDennis #jessicafreeburg #floridaman #drugcrimes #foodcrimes #stupidcrimes #funnycrimes #sexcrimes #dumbcrimes

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