S18 Ep65: Supernatural News/Parashare: I Think We Just Discovered Shaqsquatch Edition w/Beer City Bruiser

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Darkness Radio presents Supernatural News/Parashare: I Think We Just Discovered Shaqsquatch Edition w/Beer City Bruiser! With the Memorial Day weekend come somber celebrations. Poppies, Parades, cookouts, fishing, AND EVERY PARANORMAL PHENOMENA KNOWN TO MAN COMING OUTTA THE WOODWORK! And, this week was no exception!  The Cruiser and The Bruiser have gathered up the details of ALL the strange stories of the week and fill you in on all the details of these topics and more! This week, Scientists have detected a cyclone on the North Pole of Uranus (rimshot),  An Eating Disorder Helpline has fired it's staff and transitioned to a Chatbot after Unionization (this will go swimmingly), A Goliath Bigfoot Footprint discovered, "must have been left by a 20ft beast." (It's official, we've discovered Shaqsquatch!) and, The Conjuring house will let you stay overnight on the fron lawn when you investigate, they are calling it, "Ghamping"! We'll tell you how much it'll run ya! Don’t just get your money back this year, get your swagger back too with MANSCAPED™.  Get 20% off + free shipping with the code DADVILLE at https://www.manscaped.com/. Check out where Beer City Bruiser will be in your area:  https://twitter.com/bcbwinchester #paranormal  #supernatural  #metaphysical  #paranormalpodcasts  #darknessradio  #timdennis #beercitybruiser #ringofhonorwrestling #supernaturalnews  #parashare  #ghosts  #spirits  #spectres #hauntings #hauntedhouses #haunteddolls #demons #deliverances #exorcisms #angels  #spiritguides #Psychics #mediums #tarot  #ouija #paranormalinvestigation #ghamping #ghosthunters  #Aliens  #UFO #UAP #Extraterrestrials #alienhumanhybrid #alienabduction #alienimplant #Alienspaceships  #disclosure #shadowpeople #AATIP #DIA #Cryptids #Cryptozoology #bigfoot #sasquatch #shaqsquatch #yeti  #abominablesnowman #ogopogo #lochnessmonster #chupacabra #beastofbrayroad #mothman #Artificiallife #artificialintelligence #AI #space-X #NASA #ISS  #Satanists #Satancon #TheSatanicTemple  #CIA #FBI #conspiracytheory #neardeatheexperience 

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