S18 Ep36: The West Virginia Dogman and Other Creepy Tales w/ Dave Spinks
Darkness Radio - En podkast av Darkness Radio

Darkness Radio presents The West Virginia Dogman and Other Creepy Tales with Paranormal Investigator/Author, Dave Spinks! U.S.A.F. veteran, retired Federal Law Enforcement Officer, Paranormal Investigator/Researcher Dave Spinks has compiled and investigated hundreds of cryptids, hauntings and UFO cases, within the state of West Virginia, based on eyewitness accounts and sightings. Wild, wonderful and Weird West Virginia is the heart of Appalachia. It's plush forests, mountains and deep dark hollows are vast and much of the state is yet untamed. For centuries many tales of dogmen, werewolves, mysterious black dogs, White Things and the infamous Snarly Yow, have been told by the mountain folk who reside here. Now for the first time ever in the state’s history, Dave Spinks, a West Virginia native, has complied some of his own investigations into his newest work, the West Virginia Dogman! Dave joins Darkness Radio today to talk about this new book, about his adventures on Paranornal TV, Monster Con (which he organizes in his 8000 Square Foot retail and convention spaces! And, about his own investigations! Get your copy of The West Virginia Dogmen here: https://www.amazon.com/West-Virginia-Dogman-Dave-Spinks/dp/B0BH2DQXKS/ref=sr_1_8?qid=1679543204&refinements=p_27%3ADave+Spinks&s=books&sr=1-8&text=Dave+Spinks Find out how to get to Dave Spinks' World of Weird: https://www.davespinksparanormalinvestigator.com/davespinksworldofweird Check out Dave at Monster Con: https://www.davespinksparanormalinvestigator.com/west_virginia_monster_con To learn more about Microdose Gummies go to Microdose.com and use code: darkness to get free shipping & 30% off your first order! #paranormal #supernatural #metaphysical #paranormalpodcasts #darknessradio #timdennis #davespinks #thewestvirginiadogman #ghosts #spirits #apparitions #evp #hauntings #hauntedhouses #paranormaltv #ghostnation #ghosthunters #paranormaldrama #discoveryplus #haunteddolls #demons #Aliens #UFO #UAP #Extraterrestrials #Alienspaceships #disclosure #shadowpeople #Cryptids #Cryptozoology #bigfoot #sasquatch #yeti #abominablesnowman #ogopogo #lochnessmonster #chupacabra #beastofbrayroad #mothman #Satanists #conspiracytheory #neardeatheexperience