Thursday of Week 2 of Advent - Matt 11: 11-15
Daily Gospel Exegesis - En podkast av Logical Bible Study

To support the ministry and access exclusive content, go to: For complete verse-by-verse audio commentaries from Logical Bible Study, go to: Matthew 11: 11-15 - 'A greater than John the Baptist has never been seen; yet the least in the kingdom of heaven is greater than he is.' Catechism of the Catholic Church Paragraphs: - 523 (in 'The Preparations of Jesus' Life') - St. John the Baptist is the Lord’s immediate precursor or forerunner, sent to prepare his way. “Prophet of the Most High,” John surpasses all the prophets, of whom he is the last. He inaugurates the Gospel, already from his mother’s womb welcomes the coming of Christ (abbreviated) - 719 (in 'John, precursor, prophet and baptist') - John the Baptist is “more than a prophet.” In him, the Holy Spirit concludes his speaking through the prophets. John completes the cycle of prophets begun by Elijah. He proclaims the imminence of the consolation of Israel; he is the “voice” of the Consoler who is coming (abbreviated). Got a Bible question? Send an email to [email protected], and it will be answered in an upcoming episode!