Friday of Week 30 in Ordinary Time - Luke 14: 1-6

Daily Gospel Exegesis - En podkast av Logical Bible Study

To support the ministry and access exclusive content, go to: ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ For complete verse-by-verse audio commentaries from Logical Bible Study, go to: ⁠⁠⁠⁠ Luke 14: 1-6 - 'Is it against the law to cure a man on the Sabbath?' Catechism of the Catholic Church Paragraphs: - 575 (in 'Jesus and Israel') - To be sure, Christ's relations with the Pharisees were not exclusively polemical. Some Pharisees warn him of the danger he was courting; Jesus praises some of them, like the scribe of Mark 12:34, and dines several times at their homes (abbreviated). - 588 (in 'Jesus and Israel's faith in the one God and Saviour') - Jesus scandalized the Pharisees by eating with tax collectors and sinners as familiarly as with themselves (abbreviated). - 582 (in 'Jesus and the Law') - In presenting with divine authority the definitive interpretation of the Law, Jesus found himself confronted by certain teachers of the Law who did not accept his interpretation of the Law, guaranteed though it was by the divine signs that accompanied it. This was the case especially with the sabbath laws, for he recalls, often with rabbinical arguments, that the sabbath rest is not violated by serving God and neighbour, which his own healings did (abbreviated). Got a Bible question? Send an email to [email protected], and it will be answered in an upcoming episode!

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