Daf Yomi Sanhedrin Daf 3 by R’ Eli Stefansky
Daf Yomi by R’ Eli Stefansky at MDY - En podkast av Full Daf Yomi MDY by R’ Eli Stefansky

00:00 - Good Morning00:14 - Where am I?00:37 - MDYshabbos.com04:06 - Emails15:21 - MDYsponsor.com17:50 - Introduction21:15 - Amud Beis24:30 - Amud Aleph42:08 - Amud Beis1:03:47 - Amud Aleph1:04:17 - Have a Wonderful Day!Quiz - http://Kahoot.MDYdaf.com--Refuah Shelaima for Yosef Chaim Shmuel ben Alte Nechama, From His Grateful Family&Anonymous from Monroe: For הצלחה ברוחניות ובגשמיות & For an easy and healthy pregnancy and healthy baby&Larry Cohn: In memory of Yechiel Moshe Ben Chaim v’Yetta, who started learning Daf Yomi at age 70 and continued for 32 years until he was nifter&For the unity of the Jewish people&Refuat hanefesh and guf for Breina Bina bat Miriam baila, Ora bracha bat breina bina, Netanel Kalev ben ora bracha&For a fast and complete refuah sheleyma for Shmuel Nechemia ben Hinda&לע״נ סיליה בת דבורה&לעלוי נשמת בנימין מאיר בן זאב דוד הי״ד&לע״נ זכריה בן משה לע״נ חיה בת יוסף&Yaakov Citron: Excited to meet everyone at the Shabbaton&MFC D26: Mazel Tov MFD 181 Interior upon finishing Bava Basra&Michael Ilyabayev: Leilu Nishmat my father on his 6th yortziet Shlomo ben Imma-Shalom&Sholem Gestetner & Isaac Zafir: In honor of Shimon Gestetner on his Siyum BavaBasra&HCS Crew: לזכות לרפואת תינוקות בת מרים and in honor of her father's finishing מסכת בבא בתרא --Turning of the daf:Kidnovations LLCIn honor of my Uncle Reb Elchanan Pressman and Fishel. It should be a zechus for Akiva Simcha Ben Fayga, a shidduch for רבקה יהודית בת יפה חיה and a huge THANK YOU to Rebbitzen Stefansky, plus all the brachos&Donny Fein & Rob Ernst of Elite Israel Realty:welcoming all the new olim. Proudly standing with you on your journey and to finishing shas together_________________________________