Daf Yomi Bava Basra Daf 77 by R’ Eli Stefansky
Daf Yomi by R’ Eli Stefansky at MDY - En podkast av Full Daf Yomi MDY by R’ Eli Stefansky

00:00 - Good Morning00:14 - Where am I?00:36 - Hakoras Hatov Trip02:19 - Hakoras Hatov to Harav Meir Shapiro09:53 - Harav Meir Shapiro's Niggun11:41 - Introduction12:58 - MDYsponsor.com14:33 - Amud Beis15:48 - Amud Aleph22:38 - Amud Beis43:51 - Amud Aleph48:27 - Have a Wonderful DayQuiz - http://Kahoot.MDYdaf.com--Today's shiur is sponsoredAnonymous - For the safe and speedy return of all the hostages&לע״נ זכריה בן משהלע״נ חיה בת יוסף&Binyomin Rosenfeld: With gratitude to Reb Biderman, Reb Eli, Gedale Fenster for his podcasts, & Michael Safdie&Eli Stefansky & Abba Rennert: For the refuah shleima and safe speedy return of our Chayalim&Matching Rav Eli's donation l'zchut hachayalim for the month&Peter Merker: In memory of Ruth Denker, Ruchel bas Moshe on her 40th yahzeit&Mendel Lerner: bring back loads of השפעות for the entire חבורה מנחם מענדיל בן לאה וכל משפחתו&Mark Aschkenasy: Mazel Tov to Achi Hagadol Reb Yakov Yosef on the Chasunah of his daughter Devoiry tonight!!&Yitzchok Klug: Lilluy nishmas my father, Moshe Pinchas ben Dov halevi on his 18th yahrtzeit today&Anonymous from Lakewood: In honor of Mark Ashkenzay for always making himself available for MDY--Turning of the daf:CITRONFILMS LLC:Strategic videos that boost revenue&L"N the 6 hostagesHersh ben Perel ChanaOri ben Einav EfratEden bat ShiritCarmel GatAlexander LobanovAlmog Sarusi_________________________________