Pokémon game developer breached, TrickMo’s new variants, Ivanti zero-days exploited

Cyber Security Headlines - En podkast av CISO Series


Pokémon game developer breached TrickMo hits with 40 new trojan variants Nation-state actor exploits Ivanti zero-days Thanks to today’s episode sponsor, Conveyor  It’s spooky season, and nothing’s scarier than all of your account execs asking if you’re done with their customer security questionnaires. Don’t worry—Conveyor is here to help.   Conveyor’s market leading AI automates the most time-consuming parts of customer security reviews: answering security questionnaires and sharing security docs like your SOC 2 with customers.   Get instant AI answers to questionnaires and host an enterprise-grade trust center where customers can download documents and self-serve answers to their own questions.   End the horror show. Try it for free at www.conveyor.com. Get the story behind the headlines at CISOSeries.com.

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