87 - Best of 2022

Culture Bucket - En podkast av Culture Bucket - Torsdager


Hello! How are you? How have you been? Did you cut your hair? I like that shirt. Anyway, down to business. We are BACK to close out 2022 by counting down and discussing our favourite movies, albums and TV of the year. What albums blew Alex and George away this year? What films did Alex enjoy that George just can't with? Is George really putting a reality show on his best TV of the year list? Really? Tune in and find out!We also take a little look at the year ahead with our guide for 2023. Please download, listen and tell your friends about us! It wouldn't hurt to drop us a review on the ol' Apple Podcasts page too.  If you would like to add to the discussion please join us in the following places: Tik Tok: https://www.tiktok.com/@culturebucketpodcast?_t=8WYXou1ebRN&_r=1   Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/culturebucketpodcast   Join our Facebook discussion group at: Culture Bucket Bucket Squad on facebook   Twitter: https://twitter.com/CultBucketPod   Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/culturebucketpodcast/   Email: culturebucketpodcast@gmail.com   Letterboxd: https://letterboxd.com/CultureBucket/   Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/user/wd0xyllzxj6ftwi25hfwgjapv  

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