Volter? I barely know her!
Corner Späti - En podkast av The Späti Boys

<p>It's the full gang again and on today's episode we tackle garbage centrism with Ciarán breaking his brain with Volt and Rob breaking everyone else's brain with a return to #MOUNKgang</p> Yascha Mounk's #Mounkgang Mindset: https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2019/06/what-bernie-sanderss-socialism-speech-ignored/591547/ History is a Weapon Episode 4: A History of the 1970s and Neoliberalism in America https://www.patreon.com/posts/antifadas-is-4-w-27156700 (behind the paywall) David Harvey's A Brief History of Neoliberalism https://books.google.de/books/about/A_Brief_History_of_Neoliberalism.html?id=CKUiKpWUv0YC Rev Left Radio interview about the Sandinistas: https://revolutionaryleftradio.libsyn.com/sandinista-revolution HOW TO REACH US: Corner Späti https://twitter.com/cornerspaeti Julia https://twitter.com/YungOctobrists Rob https://twitter.com/leninkraft Nick https://twitter.com/sternburgpapi Ciarán https://twitter.com/CiaranDoldSupport Corner Späti