Lützerath Lebt feat. Avik & Sasha
Corner Späti - En podkast av The Späti Boys

Uma and Ciarán talk shite for a wee bit before we turn to our interview with Avik and Sasha from Lützerath Lebt for an on the ground account of what's been happening in Lützi. LINKS FROM OUR GUESTS https://luetzerathlebt.info/en/ https://instagram.com/luetzibleibt?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y= HOW TO SUPPORT US: https://www.patreon.com/cornerspaeti HOW TO REACH US: Corner Späti https://twitter.com/cornerspaeti Julia https://twitter.com/KMarxiana Rob https://twitter.com/leninkraft Nick https://twitter.com/sternburgpapi Uma https://twitter.com/umawrnkl Ciarán https://twitter.com/CiaranDoldSupport Corner Späti