Expropriate the Rent Sharks ft. Tom McGath
Corner Späti - En podkast av The Späti Boys

<p>DEUTSCHE WOHNEN ENTEIGNEN INFO:<br /> All signatures for the first phase of the initiative need to be collected by June 13th! https://www.dwenteignen.de/ https://www.dwenteignen.de/unterschreiben/ - a handy map of places around Berlin you can sign your name https://twitter.com/dwenteignen TOM'S INFO: https://twitter.com/tamcgath https://medium.com/@tamcgath HOW TO REACH US: Corner Späti https://twitter.com/cornerspaeti Julia https://twitter.com/YungOctobrists Rob https://twitter.com/leninkraft Nick https://twitter.com/sternburgpapi Ciarán https://twitter.com/CiaranDold OTHER LINKS: A few Berlin neighborhood organizations focused on anti-gentrification struggles and much more: https://kottiundco.net/ - Kotti und Co. https://www.unverwertbar.org/ - Hände Weg von Wedding https://www.bizim-kiez.de/ - Bizim Kiez The International Union of Tenants: https://www.iut.nu/ http://www.taz.de/Vonovia-Aktionaersversammlung/!5596026/ - article mentioned about Germany's largest housing company (second largest in Berlin), VonoviaSpecial Guest: Tom McGath.Support Corner Späti