E11: Access BARS | Consciousness Anywhere Podcast: Shannon O'Hara & Lisa Henriksson
Consciousness Anywhere - En podkast av Shannon O’Hara

Most of the world functions at a disconnect from energy as thought it’s normal, but the Bars starts to restore our receiving capacities. Join us to learn about what it means to have your Bars run, how the process works, and how it can help us access more consciousness and create something different. Key takeaways: The story of how the Bars were discovered How do the Bars work? The Bars dissipates and releases the electrical charge, the neurological patterning we create through our thoughts, feelings, emotions, points of view The Bars is one way you can access more of you and whatever energy you have been longing for The Bars for physical pain There are people running Bars and teaching Bars classes all over the planet