What Phase 1 MCU Director Should Return in Phase 4? - Mailbag
On today’s Collider Mailbag (May 4, 2019), John Rocha and Jason Inman answer the following questions from the Collider fans: HEADLINE: What Phase 1 MCU Director Should Return in Phase 4? 1. What MCU phase 1 director would you like to see come back to direct another movie?? 2. With Stan Lee’s last cameo in Endgame, do you think they will replace the MCU cameos with a actor/character? Or do you think they will end it? 3. Considering the amount of backlash this latest episode of Game of Thrones got for the visibility issues do you think the cinematographer of the episode is justified to blame the fans not knowing how to calibrate their TVs? 4. (SPOILER!!) Now that Steve Rogers went back in time, after Endgame, do you think that we may have an Invaders movie setting the stage for Namor starring Daniel Day Kim? 5. What film or tv show has impacted your life the most and possibly changed you as a person? Follow Rocha: https://twitter.com/TheRochaSays Follow Jason: https://twitter.com/Jawiin