Episode 43: 1343 Rachmaninoff: Piano Concerto No. 3 in D minor, Op. 30
Classical Music Discoveries - En podkast av Classical Music Discoveries

Rachmaninoff composed the concerto in the peaceful setting of his family's country estate, Ivanovka, completing it on September 23, 1909. Contemporary with this work are his First Piano Sonata and his tone poem The Isle of the Dead. Purchase the music (without talk) for only $2.99 at: http://www.classicalsavings.com/store/p425/Rachmaninoff%3A_Piano_Concerto_No._3_in_D_minor%2C_Op._30.html Your purchase helps to support our show! Classical Music Discoveries is sponsored by La Musica International Chamber Music Festival and Uber. @khedgecock #ClassicalMusicDiscoveries #KeepClassicalMusicAlive #LaMusicaFestival #CMDGrandOperaCompanyofVenice #CMDParisPhilharmonicinOrléans #CMDGermanOperaCompanyofBerlin #CMDGrandOperaCompanyofBarcelonaSpain #ClassicalMusicLivesOn #Uber Please consider supporting our show, thank you! http://www.classicalsavings.com/donate.html [email protected]