Episode 204: 18204 America
Classical Music Discoveries - En podkast av Classical Music Discoveries

Daniel Hope takes a deep dive into the rich repertoire of American music, exploring its roots and distinctive qualities. "We know a piece is from America the moment we hear it", says Hope. "But what makes music sound American?". Hope’s new album provides some answers, presenting works by composers as diverse as Leonard Bernstein, Sam Cooke, Aaron Copland, Duke Ellington, George Gershwin, Florence Price, Samuel A. Ward, and Kurt Weill in outstanding new classical and jazz arrangements for solo violin in different combinations, with vocals, piano, jazz trio, string/chamber orchestra, and percussion.Purchase the music (without talk) at:America (classicalsavings.com)Your purchase helps to support our show! Classical Music Discoveries is sponsored by La Musica International Chamber Music Festival and Uber. @khedgecock#ClassicalMusicDiscoveries #KeepClassicalMusicAlive#LaMusicaFestival #CMDGrandOperaCompanyofVenice #CMDParisPhilharmonicinOrléans#CMDGermanOperaCompanyofBerlin#CMDGrandOperaCompanyofBarcelonaSpain#ClassicalMusicLivesOn#Uber Please consider supporting our show, thank you!http://www.classicalsavings.com/donate.html [email protected] This album is broadcasted with the permission of Katy Solomon from Morahana Arts and Media.