Episode 179: 14179 WAKING THE SPARROWS
Classical Music Discoveries - En podkast av Classical Music Discoveries

WAKING THE SPARROWS, the premiere recording from classical and baroque guitarist Robert Nathanson and soprano Nancy King, performing as Duo Soreño, is the result of a twenty-year-long journey exploring the grandeur of the human voice blended with the vibrancy of the guitar. Interpreting the work of five notable modern composers who were, in turn, inspired by the words of poets throughout the ages, Nathanson and King deliver a stunning performance that is rich in its variety and impressive in scope. Purchase the music (without talk) at: http://www.classicalsavings.com/store/p1194/WAKING_THE_SPARROWS.html Your purchase helps to support our show! Classical Music Discoveries is sponsored by La Musica International Chamber Music Festival and Uber. @khedgecock #ClassicalMusicDiscoveries #KeepClassicalMusicAlive #LaMusicaFestival #CMDGrandOperaCompanyofVenice #CMDParisPhilharmonicinOrléans #CMDGermanOperaCompanyofBerlin #CMDGrandOperaCompanyofBarcelonaSpain #ClassicalMusicLivesOn #Uber Please consider supporting our show, thank you! http://www.classicalsavings.com/donate.html [email protected]