First Sunday of Advent (Year C) - Supernatural Instinct
Catholic Daily Reflections - En podkast av My Catholic Life!
Read Online“Beware that your hearts do not become drowsy from carousing and drunkenness and the anxieties of daily life, and that day catch you by surprise like a trap. For that day will assault everyone who lives on the face of the earth. Be vigilant at all times and pray that you have the strength to escape the tribulations that are imminent and to stand before the Son of Man.” Luke 21:34–36“That day.” These two words are spoken twice in the passage above. To which day is our Lord referring? Clearly, He is referring primarily to the day of our final judgment and is warning us to make sure we are prepared for it in case it were to come at an unexpected moment. So how do we prepare?Animals have the natural gift of instinct. They know how to survive, how to reproduce, how to gather food and how to avoid danger. They know this because God has implanted this knowledge within them. By this natural gift of instinct, they know what to do and what to avoid.We, as humans, also have basic natural instincts. But our natural instincts are only sufficient to help us accomplish that which the animals accomplish. Therefore, if we are to gain an even greater knowledge and are to know how to properly prepare ourselves spiritually for the sudden and unexpected coming of Christ, then we need more.The way we most properly prepare is through a special grace by which God reveals Himself and His will to our human reason. When that happens, we will know the best way to be fully prepared for “that day” the moment it comes. Perhaps one of the best ways to describe this ability is by describing it as a “supernatural instinct.” When our natural instincts become open to grace, and when the information on which we base our daily decisions in life comes to us by an ongoing and personal revelation from God through the infused gift of faith, then we will find that we simply know what to do and what to avoid. By analogy, just as a bird knows to fly south for the winter or a salmon knows to return to its place of birth to lay its eggs, so we will “know” within our spirit how to best serve the will of God and, thus, be most fully prepared for His imminent return. “Supernatural instinct” is nothing other than us allowing the grace of God to enter our lives so as to take control of everything we do and to lead us into the fulfillment of the perfect and glorious will of God. When that happens, we can be certain that we are perpetually prepared for all that comes and will never be caught by surprise like a trap.Reflect, today, upon whether you are daily led by the knowledge of God’s will alive within you as a supernatural instinct. If this language seems foreign to you, then perhaps it is a time to ponder the question “Why?” Why aren’t you led by God’s grace through an ongoing gift of supernatural knowledge of His will? And if this language does resonate within you, then spend time pondering this gift and being grateful for the way that God has truly taken over your day-to-day life. My revealing Lord, I pray that I will always know Your will and be led only by Your gentle but unmistakable promptings of grace. Please lead me, dear Lord, so that I will be perpetually prepared for Your glorious and final coming the moment it arrives. Jesus, I trust in You.Source of content: catholic-daily-reflections.comCopyright © 2024 My Catholic Life! Inc. All rights reserved. Used with permission via RSS feed.