#11 Kevin Lee: Being critical isn’t about tearing things down, but finding wisdom and truth. (pt.2)

Casticle - En podkast av Mavis Wang

Introducing our guest: Kevin Lee Kevin is the COO and Managing Partner for China Youthology. He is a strategic consultant at the executive level in the areas of brand strategy, marketing and product innovation for many global and well-known companies. China Youthology is a leading innovation consultancy that offers China cultural foresights and youth driven change to help purposeful businesses create value and meaning. Kevin is a frequent speaker at international summits and a contributing writer at Forbes.com. He also writes genYchina, a blog that discusses the changing interplay between tech, media and culture in China. Outside China Youthology, Kevin is working on Positive Psychology Education, Parents, Families and Networks-of-Families. With years spent researching these areas, Kevin designs and produces Thrive - an original podcast that identifies traits, faculties and skills of individuals needed to thrive in the modern world. Kevin is a native Canadian and has spent the last 15 years in China. Kevin是市场研究及营销咨询机构「青年志」的首席运营官及管理合伙人,为许多国际知名企业的高级管理层成员提供品牌策略、市场营销、产品创新等方面的咨询服务。「青年志」是中国顶尖的市场研究及营销咨询公司,专注中国年轻人(15-35岁),联结青年趋势与商业创新,帮助品牌融入青年,了解趋势与洞察,制定创新策略及行动方案。 Kevin常常出席国际会议发表演讲,并为Forbes.com担任特邀作者。他自己的独立博客——genYchina,聚焦中国科技、媒体与文化之间的关系,一度收获众多海外著名媒体的关注及赞赏。 此外,Kevin业余时间还在积极投入与育儿、家庭教育、心理学等相关的独立研究项目。在数年勤奋研究的积累之上,Kevin选用独立播客的形式将研究的阶段成果呈现出来。他的播客作品「Thrive」详细地剖析了在当今社会,优秀出色的个人大多具备的特点、性格、天赋和能力,以及他们的家长在个体成长过程中扮演的角色。 Kevin是一名加拿大华裔,过去15年一直在中国生活。 Recommendation Three: The Maps of Meaning Series from Jordan B Peterson Podcast Kevin strongly recommends the Maps of Meaning Series from Jordan B Peterson Podcast, though these episodes haven’t been discussed in great details by us in the interview due to time limit. You can either listen to or watch the series; if you just want to spend a short period of time getting some gists, you may consider brief summaries done by websites providing abstracting services. If Maps of Meaning sound too complex and profound to you, Kevin suggests trying Episode 22, aka. Adam and Eve: Self-Consciousness, Evil & Death, which deciphers myths and mystique of biblical stories and extends to the realistic human life. You can also watch the lecture here. A piece from the New Yorker in 2018 describing and explaining the phenomenon of Jordan Peterson. 推荐三:The Maps of Meaning Series from Jordan B Peterson Podcast 凯文为Casticle推荐的是Peterson的Maps of Meaning系列,然而这一系列的内容实在太多、太抽象、太系统、太难用半个小时时间聊透了,所以我们在节目中非常遗憾地草草了事……如果听这一系列的播客很有难度,不妨去看看这一系列课程的视频,因为这一系列绝对不是multitasking就能消化得了的。如果你想快速了解个大概,然后再决定是否需要投入更多时间与精力系统学习,可以用类似这个整理概要的网站,先粗略地感受下Peterson的意义地图的轮廓。 如果Maps of Meaning系列对你来说实在太棘手,Kevin建议你先从第22集节目听起,题为 Adam and Eve: Self-Consciousness, Evil & Death。在这一期中,Peterson尝试破解圣经中的许多神话与迷思,将它们与世俗生活联系起来。你也可以在此观看这节课程。 关于Jordan Peterson的评论太多了,褒贬都有,无一例外的都是大长文……本期我们就先放一个2018年《纽约客》写的文章吧,作者尝试描述并解释了所谓「彼得森现象」。 Recommendation Four: Thrive Podcast by Kevin Lee Link to listen to Kevin’s Thrive Podcast; its Chinese version is also available under the same link. 推荐四:Thrive Podcast by Kevin Lee Kevin的播客Thrive的收听地址;除了Kevin本人的英文讲述外,这套播客也被几位青年志的资深研究员们重新编排制作成了中文版,收听地址与英文版相同。青年志在上海已陆续围绕Thrive谈到的话题组织过几次工作坊,更多线下活动也在策划中,欢迎感兴趣的朋友关注他们的公众号(青年志Youthology)了解更多。 Thank you very much for your time listening to Casticle and reading the show notes! If you have any feedback or question, please leave a comment on our website (casticle.fm), email us ([email protected]) or find us on major social networks. 感谢你的收听与阅读!如果你有任何问题或反馈,请随时发邮件到[email protected]或在任何主流社交平台上搜索Casticle与我们联系。我们十分期待收获你的反馈,与你互动:)