#10 Kevin Lee: Being critical isn’t about tearing things down, but finding wisdom and truth. (pt.1)

Casticle - En podkast av Mavis Wang

Introducing our guest: Kevin Lee Kevin is the COO and Managing Partner for China Youthology. He is a strategic consultant at the executive level in the areas of brand strategy, marketing and product innovation for many global and well-known companies. China Youthology is a leading innovation consultancy that offers China cultural foresights and youth driven change to help purposeful businesses create value and meaning. Kevin is a frequent speaker at international summits and a contributing writer at Forbes.com. He also writes genYchina, a blog that discusses the changing interplay between tech, media and culture in China. Outside China Youthology, Kevin is working on Positive Psychology Education, Parents, Families and Networks-of-Families. With years spent researching these areas, Kevin designs and produces Thrive - an original podcast that identifies traits, faculties and skills of individuals needed to thrive in the modern world. Kevin is a native Canadian and has spent the last 15 years in China. 嘉宾介绍:Kevin Lee Kevin是市场研究及营销咨询机构「青年志」的首席运营官及管理合伙人,为许多国际知名企业的高级管理层成员提供品牌策略、市场营销、产品创新等方面的咨询服务。「青年志」是中国顶尖的市场研究及营销咨询公司,专注中国年轻人(15-35岁),联结青年趋势与商业创新,帮助品牌融入青年,了解趋势与洞察,制定创新策略及行动方案。 Kevin常常出席国际会议发表演讲,并为Forbes.com担任特邀作者。他自己的独立博客——genYchina,聚焦中国科技、媒体与文化之间的关系,一度收获众多海外著名媒体的关注及赞赏。 此外,Kevin业余时间还在积极投入与家庭教育、心理学等相关领域的独立研究项目。在数年勤奋研究的积累之上,Kevin选择用独立播客的形式将研究的阶段成果呈现出来。他的播客作品Thrive,详细地剖析了在当今社会,优秀出色的个人大多具备的特点、性格、天赋和能力,以及他们的家长在个体成长过程中扮演的角色。 Kevin是一名加拿大华裔,过去15年一直在中国生活。 About Kevin Kevin writes a blog named genYchina where you may find lots of deep insights into various industries and facets of life. He prefers long-form writing but he manages to explain complex ideas in succinct and effective language. Though Kevin is way too busy to continue blogging, most of his thoughts and insights are still applicable and worth reading. To Kevin, creating original content and selecting external content to take in are two important themes in life for the sake of personal development. In addition to what he has shared in the interview, you can also read two blogposts he wrote 10 years ago on reasons behind genYchina and content selection strategy to find out more. The official website of China Youthology - the leading consultancy where Kevin serves as the COO; for more latest update and to participate in activities and research projects organized by China Youthology, please search and follow their WeChat Official Account as in “青年志Youthology”. 本期嘉宾:Kevin Lee 「genYchina」是Kevin独立创作的博客,大部分文章关于年轻人的潮流文化和生活方式,然而稍稍令人猝不及防的是,当时的「年轻人」——Gen Y(Y世代,80年至90年之间出生的人)这一说法现在听上去已经有些年代感了,毕竟眼下是Gen Z当道的时代……不过,Kevin写的许多文章,时至今日仍然能给我们带来一些新的启示和灵感。撇开文章的选题和内容不谈,Kevin直白干净的写作风格和对「long form」文体的偏爱绝对符合目前独立创作的新风潮。节目中,Kevin对许久没能更新表示遗憾,同时无比期待某天能回归创作第一线。 Kevin将创作内容和筛选值得花时间的内容视为生活的两大主题。访谈中,他毫无保留地分享了听播客的标准,此外,十年前Kevin写的两篇博文——《为什么写genYchina这个博客》和《每个人筛选内容的策略跟从学校顺利毕业一样重要》也能让你明白他体会输入和输出内容的坚持。 青年志的官方网站;推荐对青年文化感兴趣的听众订阅青年志的官方邮件通讯、关注「青年志Youthology」公众号并积极参与青年志组织的有!偿!研究项目或共创工作坊。 Recommendation One: Melinda Gates’ Pursue Passions with Vengeance from Entrepreneurial Thought Leaders Podcast (Fall 2012) iTunes link of Melinda Gates’ Pursue Passions with Vengeance from the ETL podcast; you can also watch Melinda’s entire speech here. The official site of the Goalkeepers Initiative organized by the Gates Foundation; on the website, you may find and read annual Goalkeepers Reports to see how the Foundation progresses towards their global goals. Netflix’s original series on Bill Gates as well as the Gates Foundation - Inside Bill’s Brain: Decoding Bill Gates A recent written interview by the New York Times with Melinda Gates; in this article, you will find Melinda’s easy-to-understand and amazing viewpoints on philanthropy, innovation, privileges and inequality, and her own book, the Moment of Lift, published earlier this year. A November episode of Reid Hoffman’s podcast Master of Scale featuring Bill Gates: How to Accelerate History; in this episode, Bill revisits the tech history and shares how he identifies historical inflection points that have pushed the tech industry to the next level. 推荐一:: Melinda Gates’ Pursue Passions with Vengeance from Entrepreneurial Thought Leaders Podcast (Fall 2012) 推荐集的iTunes收听地址;由于这集节目年代久远,除了iTunes和斯坦福网站上的存档,在其它播客收听平台上几乎找不到备用收听链接……除了用iTunes听这集节目,你还可以在斯坦福网站上观看Melinda的完整版演讲。 盖茨基金会组织的「Goalkeepers Initiative」的官方网站;在网站上,你能找到每年更新的项目报告,还有盖茨基金会主导的所有慈善项目的进度。 Netflix出品的系列纪录片Inside Bill’s Brain,十分精彩,强烈推荐。这部纪录片能让你了解盖茨夫妇现在在做什么,他们做慈善的思考方式和行动原则是什么。 今年四月,《纽约时报》对Melinda Gates的访谈;这篇访谈实现了两个目的,第一,Melinda聊了聊她眼中的几个关键概念——创新、慈善、特权与平等;第二,Melinda宣传了自己的新书The Moment of Lift。这本书包含了许多个人感悟和家庭故事,推荐阅读。 Bill Gates十一月做客Reid Hoffman的播客节目Master of Scale,这集的题目为How to Accelerate History。在这集节目中,Bill Gates回顾了科技发展史,分享了他眼中那些将科技行业推向新阶段的历史拐点。 Recommendation Two: Steppe Stories from Dan Carlin’s Hardcore History Podcast Link to purchase the episode of Steppe Stories from the Hardcore History Podcast; as mentioned in the interview, Dan monetizes his podcasts and this very episode that Kevin recommends is definitely worth the two dollars. A 12-minute video reviewing briefly the history of the Scythians that have been explained and depicted by Dan in the recommended episode. A commentary titled “America’s Best History Teacher Doesn’t Work At School” on HuffPost praising Dan’s endeavors to disrupt history education and his model of content creation. Dan Carlin gave a talk in 2017 at Google on history storytelling and shared a lot of behind-the-scene stories; besides Dan’s speech, it’s a great fun leafing through how people commented on his talk. 推荐二:Steppe Stories from Dan Carlin’s Hardcore History Podcast 推荐集的收听链接;很遗憾,就像我们在节目中提到的,Dan Carlin的早期播客作品已经无法免费获取并收听,其中就包括Kevin推荐的这一集。考虑到内容付费是Dan Carlin最主要的收入方式,我们还是建议你花1.99美元购买这期节目,用实际行动支持创作者。 在推荐集中,Dan Carlin主要介绍了塞西亚人——公元前2世纪至4世纪中叶活跃在中亚和南俄草原上的游牧民族。如果你喜欢更视觉化的方式速成对塞西亚人的印象,不妨试试这个12分钟的小短片,节目中Dan Carlin提到的许多塞西亚人的特点(骁勇善战、文身图案堪称一绝等)都在视频中有所展现。 来自HuffPost的一篇题为《美国最好的历史老师不在学校上班》(America’s Best History Teacher Doesn’t Work At School)的文章,赞扬Dan Carlin的创作模式和对历史教育作出的贡献。 2017年,Dan Carlin做客谷歌,讲了讲他是如何理解历史叙事的,还分享了许多幕后故事。搞笑的是,某位网友的评论实在是一针见血——“这演讲不应该至少得有六小时吗?” Dan Carlin绝对是long form podcasting小霸王之一,正如节目中Kevin提到的,像推荐集这样两小时之内讲完的节目真的太少见了。看来,节目时长也是「hardcore」的一方面,不过这几个小时跟漫漫历史长河比起来,怎么能算难事一桩呢? Thank you very much for your time listening to Casticle and reading the show notes! If you have any feedback or question, please leave a comment on our website (casticle.fm), email us ([email protected]) or find us on major social networks. 感谢你的收听与阅读!如果你有任何问题或反馈,请随时发邮件到[email protected]或在任何主流社交平台上搜索Casticle与我们联系。我们十分期待收获你的反馈,与你互动:)