2021 Preview
Cannes I Kick It - En podkast av Cannes I Kick It
Happy New Year CIKI Fans, we’re back and looking both backwards and ahead this week. After touching on the status of our most anticipated movies from last year (would you believe many of them did not end up coming out?) we look ahead WITH A TWIST by applying out patented Jury Formula to figure out what we are most excited for. Feelings, inevitably, will be hurt, but we WILL determine and award the Palme d’Nollie no matter what. Our twitter is @CannesIKickIt Our letterboxd is CIKIPod Enjoying the show? Feel free to send a few bucks our way on Ko-fi. Thanks to Tree Related for our theme song Our hosts are @andytgerm @clatchley @imlaughalone @jpglickwebber