The Bolshoi - Trevor Tanner

C86 Show - Indie Pop - En podkast av thec86show


Trevor Tanner - The Bolshoi - in conversation with David Eastaugh In 1985, the band released their debut single, "Sob Story", followed by the mini-album, Giants, and their hit song "Happy Boy". Word of mouth was such that the Bolshoi were able to sell out many of their early headlining performances. The band moved to London in 1985, and their line-up expanded to include Paul Clark on keyboards - In 1986, they released their first full-length album, Friends, and expanded their touring schedule to the U.S., South America and Poland. It was followed in 1987 by the album Lindy's Party, on which the sound was more pop-oriented. TC Wall, reviewing the album in Underground magazine, described Lindy's Party as "completely confident, commercial, professional, and dangerously catchy" and "a fine album that'll be caressed for generations."

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