Penny Arcade
C86 Show - Indie Pop - En podkast av thec86show

Penny Arcade in conversation with David Eastaugh Penny Arcade Aka Susana Ventura is an internationally respected performance artist, writer, poet and experimental theatre maker known for her magnetic stage presence, her take no prisoners wit and her content rich plays and one liners. She is the author of 16 scripted performance plays and hundreds of performance art pieces. Her work has always focused on the other and the outsider, giving voice to those marginalized by society. Her willingness to speak truth to power at the expense of career concerns has made her an international icon of artistic resistance. Her decades long focus on the creation of community and inclusion as the goals of performance and her efforts to use performance as a transformative act mark her as a true original in American theatre and performance. Since 1992 Penny has collaborated with Steve Zehentner , a former architect turned video producer. In 1999 Penny and Steve launched The Lower East Side Biography Project “Stemming The Tide Of Cultural Amnesia” an oral history video project that has broadcast and streamed weekly since its inception..introducing highly self individuated people to the general public