Celia Hemken - Ju JU & Blue Nouveaux

C86 Show - Indie Pop - En podkast av thec86show


Celia Hemken in conversation with David Eastaugh https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a0Kq806pWqw http://www.celiahemken.com/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ab15SRDfdc4 Bio by Celia Hemken of Blue Nouveaux:  Before I signed with Black and Blue records I had played classical flute with the Richard Hickox orchestra, recorded a John Peel session for UK Radio One and co-founded a theatre company. I’d busked (American transl: playing street music) round Europe playing flute as a Harlequin and had followed a Polish Circus with an Anglo/American punk-folk band. Back in England I appeared on Tyne Tees Television and at the London Hippodrome with a duo. I had made a music video based on the Twenties silent movie actress Louise Brooks and was a guerilla filmmaker with my first short, Dog Leap, throwing dummies off the 84 feet Newcastle Bridge. I’d done all this, but I hadn’t yet achieved a main ambition – to go to America.   

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