079 | Launching A Homegrown Company | Finding Balance In Entrepreneurship | Power Of Social Networking | Amber Peay

Bootstrapping Your Dreams Show - En podkast av Manuj Aggarwal



Manuj Aggarwal and Amber Peay discuss how to achieve business goals, grow our businesses from nothing to something and how to scale through life's most difficult challenges. 

What are you waiting for? Tune In Now!

In this episode, we will learn about:

  • About launching a homegrown company
  • How personality plays a role in business success
  • The power of social networking
  • Overcoming negativity in social networking
  • How to overcome the most difficult life challenges and take important decisions 
  • How to think positive, turn your strength to a more purposeful way and stay motivated 
  • Secrets to starting as an entrepreneur 
  • How to find a balance in entrepreneurship 



Amber is the founder of Granola Grown, a homegrown company born to make unique recipes that are beneficial to all, including those with allergies, sensitivities, and autoimmune disorders. 

Amber is the speaker in "Moment to Moment Faith," where she shares her insights on how to grow out of life challenges and how to turn your strength to more positive action. She is a social media marketer, content creator, business strategist, and a relationship builder. 


Amber got her BS degree in Business Administration from North Carolina State University and MA in Education, Instructional Systems Design from the University of Texas at San Antonio. 


She has two certifications; One is a certified Instructional systems designer ATD San Antonio and Yellow Belt Six Sigma. She completed other courses such as; Practical Change Management, High-Value Business Conversation Engagement Skills for Trusted Advisors, Program Management: Managing Without Authority, Program Management: Leading Effective Teams, Sim Writer Workshop, Project Manager Professional (PMP) Boot camp, Situational Leadership II, Stand and Deliver: Effective Presentations, Mutual Gains Negotiations, Texas Teaching Certification, Business Writing Workshop, American Red Cross Disaster Relief Training. 

Obstacles Overcame:

Every entrepreneur goes through a rough beginning, and Amber Peay is no different. Amber had some pretty rough start in founding her company. She overcame her inability to cook and forged ahead to become a great cook. She also had to seek out for help while starting. 

Fun Facts:

Since she grew up in a background where cooking was something alien, Amber loves cooking as much as she loves to help people. Her cooking skill and her love for humanity led her to found her company, Granola Grown. 


Links & Mentions From This Episode:

Amber's Website: http://www.getgranolagrown.com

TetraNoodle consulting services: https://bootstraptechstartup.com  

TetraNoodle professional training: https://courses.tetranoodle.com 


Thanks for Tuning In!


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