021 | Using Common Sense Selling To Increase Your Sales And Revenue, With Bruce Borenstein
Bootstrapping Your Dreams Show - En podkast av Manuj Aggarwal
Bruce Borenstein and Manuj Aggarwal discuss common sense selling and how it is more effective than formula selling. Bruce shares his 30+ years of experience in sales.
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In this episode we will learn:
- The importance of common sense selling
- The difference between common sense and formula selling
- The importance of building a team with a different skillset
- How to make use of common sense selling
- The cons of formula selling
- How to identify whether sales is your passion
- How to find common ground between the buyer and the seller
- How to build better and stronger business relationships
- Understand the importance of planning the growth of your company
- The importance of learning about your competitors and their products
- Ways to generate more sales and more revenue
- How to pursue your business success
- Understand the importance of networking
About Bruce Borenstein
Bruce Borenstein is a renowned professional, CEO, President, sales expert, and Vice President with endless accomplishments in the world of small businesses.
- Education: Bruce graduated with a B.A. in Political Sciences, and he is a CPMR
- Experience: 30+ years of sales and sales management experience and running a small business in the competitive headphone space.
- Accomplishments: Bruce has won the award of “Small Business Executive of the Year.” He Grew 4 businesses from startup to $25M plus business in under 5 years, and he is the author of “Don’t Be A Schmeckle.”
- Fun Facts: Bruce is a closet stand-up comedian.
- Obstacles Overcame: He overcame cash flow problems with his company that might have caused others to throw in the towel.
Links & Mentions From This Episode:
Bruce Borenstein’s company: https://www.PHAdvisors.com
TetraNoodle consulting services: https://go.tetranoodle.com/boot-podcast
TetraNoodle professional training: https://courses.tetranoodle.com
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