005 | Myths and Misconceptions About Running A Profitable Business With A Positive Cash Flow, With Chris Miles

Bootstrapping Your Dreams Show - En podkast av Manuj Aggarwal


Chris Miles and Manuj Aggarwal discuss how to bootstrap a business and focus on profits.

So if you want to: 

  • Understand that you don't need money to make money
  • Get rid of the belief that you need to work more hours to make more money
  • How to find the most effective marketing activities, and focus on more profits
  • Understand that cash flow (profit) is #1 priority for any business


In this episode, you'll discover:

"What Going Into $1.1 Million of Debt Taught Me”

  • The TOP cash flow myths every entrepreneur or professional must learn the truth about - FAST!
  • A cash flow myth that can destroy your success before you ever even get started (and what to do instead)
  • The major misconceptions about cash flow that cause entrepreneurs or professionals to take the wrong path and waste months, if not years, of effort
  • Something critical that used to be true in the world of business, finance, and cash flow but is now false (and you need to know what it is before it eats you alive)
  • The perfect mindset every entrepreneur or professional should have about cash flow that virtually guarantees their success
  • Where entrepreneurs waste a TON of time screwing around with running their business, and focus on profits because they believe this myth (and the true alternative that will save your bacon)
  • Where the big challenges in business are right now, especially if you listen to the wannabe "gurus" out there (and the common sense strategies for dealing will each and every one of those challenges)


About Chris Miles


Chris is an expert in the field of business, finance, and cash flow optimization. 

  • Education - Chris dropped out just shy of earning his Bachelor's in Sociology, with a triple minor in Psychology, Japanese, and Ballroom Dance. He dropped out to be an entrepreneur, and make more money than getting my MBA in Organizational Behavior ;)
  • Experience - He has had life long experience in business and entrepreneurship! Also 17 yrs in the financial advising/consulting industry.
  • Accomplishments - In the last 9 yrs, Chris has helped over 700 people improve their cash flow by over $100 Million. Also, he retired twice (once when he was 28, and again at age 39. He was featured on CNN Money, US News & World Report, Entrepreneur on Fire, and Bankrate.
  • Fun Facts - He is one of America's top amateur ballroom dancers, but he missed both opportunities to perform with his dance team at the World Championships in Blackpool, England (they won both times). Also, he has 8 kids (6 of his own, and his wife brought 2 more from her previous marriage). He leaves every winter to vacation for a few months in different places to stay warm.
  • Obstacles Overcame -  Chris overcame over $1 Million of debt, paid off over $900K of it within 3.5 yrs WITHOUT filing for bankruptcy.


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