311. 时间起源和全息宇宙 - 访谈物理学家 Prof. Hertog

Blow Your Mind (BYM S02) - En podkast av BYM

本集嘉宾是比利时 KU Leuven 大学理论物理学系主任 Thomas Hertog 教授。Thomas 曾是斯蒂芬·霍金(Stephen Hawking)的学生和长期合作者。在这一集中,我们讨论了Hertog 教授与霍金的研究工作,以及他的最新著作 On the Origin of Time: Stephen Hawking's Final Theory。这本书的中译版名为《时间起源》。这本书提出了一些令人难以置信的理论。本期 BYM 播客希望能让这些想法更容易被理解,同时也让我们的听众能够一窥这个时代顶尖科学家的思考过程。00:13 - 嘉宾介绍00:47 - 这本书是如何诞生的;霍金在他职业生涯的后半段改变了他对宇宙起源的看法03:26 - Thomas 如何成为霍金的博士学生05:02 - 霍金是 Thomas 决定成为宇宙学家的关键影响08:39 - 与霍金一起研究物理学的基础11:24 - 什么是多重宇宙理论,以及为什么这个理论难以令人满意25:21 - 物理定律的演化30:00 - 物理定律还在持续演化吗?34:09 - 宇宙的全息性质,以及生活在这样一个宇宙中意味着什么?45:11 - 正在进行的实验以验证提出的理论Blow Your Mind (BYM) 是一档中英双语播客,涉猎广泛的主题,包括科技、经济、讲故事、历史、创业、创造力和数学。过往的嘉宾包括电影制作人、作家、表演艺术家和AI科学家。Email: [email protected] guest is Prof. Thomas Hertog, head of theoretical physics at KU Leuven in Belgium. He's also a student and long-time collaborator of Stephen Hawking. In this episode, we talked about Prof. Hertog's research with Hawking and his recent book "On the Origin of Time: Stephen Hawking's Final Theory". The book is available in Chinese with the title 时间起源. The book proposes some mind-boggling ideas, and the goal of the podcast is to render them more accessible, as well as giving our listeners a glimpse into the thought process of some top scientific minds of our time. 00:13 - guest introduction00:47 - how did the book come about; Hawking, in the second half of his career, changing his mind about the origin of the Universe03:26 - how did Thomas become a Phd student with Hawking05:02 - Hawking was a key influence on Thomas' decision to become a cosmologist08:39 - working with Hawking on the fundamental of physics11:24 - what's the multiverse theory, and why it is unsatisfying25:21 - the evolution of physical laws30:00 - are physical laws evolving still?34:09 - the holographic nature of the Universe, and what does it mean to live in such a Universe?45:11 - on-going experiments to verify proposed theoriesBlow Your Mind (BYM) is a Chinese and English bilingual podcast that covers a broad range of topics. Some of the recurring themes are: technology, economics, story-telling, history, entrepreneurship, creativity and mathematics. Past show guests include film-makers, authors, performing artists and AI researchers. Email: [email protected]