Why ___ Won (& the Others Lost) | Big Brother 25

RHAP: We Know Big Brother - En podkast av Big Brother Podcast Recaps & BB26 LIVE Feed Updates from Rob Cesternino, Taran Armstrong and more


Why ___ Won (& the Others Lost) | Big Brother 25 Going into the Big Brother 25 Finale, many people expected Matt to beat Jag if they faced off in the end but we ended up with the opposite result! David Bloomberg and Ovi Kabir are back one more time to look at how it happened and what led to that final result. Where did each of the final four do the right thing or go wrong to end up where they were? What should they have each changed? After 100 days, it’s finally time to figure out Why Jag Won and Matt, Bowie Jane, and Felicia Lost!

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