Understanding 1 Thessalonians - part 4
Biblical Truth with Malcolm Hedding - En podkast av Malcolm Hedding
We have noted thus far that Paul’s ministry at Thessaloniki was not in vain as it brought forth the fruit of salvation in the lives of many in the city. He, and his apostolic band were sent out from the Church at Antioch with the blessing of the leaders there and that of the Holy Spirit. His missionary trip was therefore God inspired and therefore in a sense couldn’t fail. The Thessalonians turned from their idols and their sins to serve God by Jesus Christ and to await His second coming. Moreover, their testimony in this regard impacted the whole region. Paul was proud of them and gives them an overview of his commitment; to God, the preaching of the Word of God and to them. He is a genuine servant of Jesus seeking only to glorify Him through his life and ministry and therefore he seeks nothing from them save their growing love for Christ and His people. Our insight then into Paul’s character and dedication to Christ is therefore a challenge to all those who would follow Christ in ministry and to those who already do. In the verses now before us he continues to express his feelings for them and commitment to them by reminding them of what he did do when he was with them and not of what he didn’t do, as in the previous passage. Here we see the heart of a true shepherd of God’s flock and this should serve as a template for all those who would also follow this calling. Actually every aspiring ministry candidate should be instructed by these passages as they reveal the true nature of our calling and it’s worth noting that this chapter is then a record of Paul’s legacy. This great servant of Jesus is worth following, just as he himself often encouraged us to do. We should consequently take note of the manner in which he engaged the believers at Thessaloniki: Read the entire article here: https://malcolmhedding.com/understanding-1-thessalonians-part-4/ Check out more resources here: https://malcolmhedding.com/shop/