What the Bible Says about Immigration: 10 Qs with Mike Winger (Ep 35)
BibleThinker - En podkast av Mike Winger - Lørdager

Today's Time Stamps: 1. 0:18 {A Biblical View of Immigration} What are some biblical thoughts surrounding the political issue of immigration?2. 49:40 {Confessing Your Faith when Difficult} I'm a 30 y/o woman in SoCal, financially dependent on my Muslim parents. I've studied for years and I’m now feeling called to Christ. I fear being kicked out. Any advice on how to tell them I'm Christian?3. 52:03 {Eternal Begottenness?} Should we hold to eternal begottenness of the Son which seems to suggest that the Son was caused? It seems orthodox, but wrong to say of God.4. 56:13 {When Discipline turns to Drudgery} William Booth says, “We ought not consult feelings but do our duty.” How does that not then become drudgery? How do we be disciplined like Daniel, yet not mechanical?5. 58:11 {Hosting Sinners in our Homes} Is 1 Corinthians 5:9-13 only for corporate gatherings or also for private gatherings such as family meals, etc.? Should Christians host professing Christian family members who are living in unrepentant sin?6. 1:03:00 {Overcoming Difficult Addictions} I’ve tried SO many times trying to quit vaping. I’m starting to feel like a bad Christian. Any advice?7. 1:04:51 {Contemplative Prayer} I'm curious about contemplative and listening prayer practices promoted in my church. Are they rooted in or influenced by Eastern mysticism or New Age ideologies?8. 1:08:01 {Why Didn’t God Forbid Polygamy?} If verses like Exodus 21:10 aren't supporting polygamy but protecting women in a bad situation, why didn't God just outlaw polygamy outright? I agree with you, but don't know how to counter this argument.9. 1:13:10 {Obeying our Conscience} Is Romans 14:23 about emotional doubt or intellectual doubt? For example, I'm mentally convinced that ham is OK to eat but I still doubt it emotionally. Which is my conscience to obey?10. 1:17:21 {What is a Heart of Flesh?} What does giving us a heart of flesh mean, when flesh is usually negative? If you want more info on this issue of immigration and the Bible, I recommend reading this very short book. It's also free. I am not saying I agree with everything in it but I think it's generally useful: Click Here Analyzing Rob the Polygamy guy: Click Here Showing how four polygamy proponents twist Scripture: Click Here My video on why the death penalty is biblical and all nations should have one: Click Here I do this live stream most Fridays at 1 p.m. Pacific Time. You're welcome to join.To ask a question you'll need to follow these instructions:1. Don't post your question before you see me live on camera.2. Post questions as comments in the LIVE chat at the beginning of the stream.3. Post your question with "Q" at the beginning so we can easily identify that you are sending it in as a question for me and not just a comment in the chat.4. Try to be as clear as possible so I won't misunderstand the question. Keep in mind that I don't know anything about your question other than what you type in that short comment.5. Include specific verse references when possible or applicable.