I hate to have to make this video. These are the lies two Christians are spreading about me.
BibleThinker - En podkast av Mike Winger - Lørdager

Some related links: Since both Tim Hurd and Doctrinal Watchdog seem to think that I am only now changing my views because of a response to their criticisms, here are a bunch of old clips of me having these views long before their videos ever came out. Click here for the MacArthur clip (what I really think about John MacArthur) This clip is about being "slain in the Spirit," how self-control is a fruit of the Spirit, and how you still should have control over yourself, according to Scripture, while speaking in tongues. Click here for a second clip about being "slain or drunk in the Spirit" and "unknown utterances." Specifically, how "there's no biblical foundation" for being slain in the Spirit. Click here for my shorter video called "Spirit-Filled: What it Does and Doesn't Mean." Why I don't use people's preferred (and untrue) pronouns: Click here. Why I would not attend a same-sex wedding: Click here. This clip against living a homosexual lifestyle (in addition to my 4-part series). The green text at the end of Tim's video also says, "Winger also told Joel Webbon of Right Response Ministries that Christians are [not] obligated to keep the 10 commandments." Here's that clip in context. It should be clear that I am not saying it's ok for you to murder people. Nor is my view so strange. John Piper holds the same view. Since Doctrinal Watchdog has also claimed that I have no problem with female pastors and teachers, I will provide related clips. Though I would nuance my views more than he wants me to, this is definitely a deception. This clip is stating that women are not to be the teaching elder of the fellowship and that "women are not to take the role of lead pastor or teaching elder, and to have that position as a woman would be what 1 Timothy is saying not to do." And that it's "God's ordained structure for men and women." Reiterated here that women are not called to the pastoral role. You can also check out my whole Women in Ministry Series to see my views. This clip giving my position on "By His stripes we are healed" and if that relates to physical healing for us today. Another point where I disagree with Bethel. Doctrinal Watchdog's multiple deceptive videos about me (his channel seems to do this to others, as well):Example 1Example 2Example 3His channel has several others on me. They seem to grow in number daily. Click here for BTWN's (Tim Hurd's) misleading video about me. (He has also added another yesterday.) My website: https://BibleThinker.org