Pt. 13: Everything Women Can and Can't Do According to the Bible: Women in Ministry Series
BibleThinker - En podkast av Mike Winger - Lørdager

Timestamps0:00:00 Intro0:02:16 Why I refused to talk about this for years0:06:38 What are Egalitarian, Complementarian, and Patriarchal?0:15:00 I have over 40 hours of teaching on this debate0:16:57 What you can expect today0:18:46 What surprised me the most about this research project0:22:33 The growing tide of egalitarianism0:26:05 Egalitarians are right but still wrong0:26:55 Comps and Pats are wrong but still right0:28:07 This is a secondary/family issue but it’s worth arguing over0:30:03 We bypass the Bible0:33:49 Three things you need to believe when you study this issue0:34:49 THE THREE PILLARS: Solid truths that should not be debated0:35:26 Pillar #1: Male headship and female submission in marriage0:47:26 Pillar #2: Elders positions and functions are for men only1:01:03 Pillar #3: Women’s status as image bearers and sons of God is inviolable1:26:00 The 3 pillars summarized1:27:24 The big question: How far should we draw out the application beyond marriage and eldership?1:35:49 My interpretive methodology of “rules and examples” explained1:40:12 An example of a good wife rebelling against her husband.1:44:15 Quick summary of the impact of letting biblical examples help us apply gender rules.1:47:12 Women in government: Deborah breaks the strongest patriarchal view.1:52:37 Are women in government some lofty ideal?1:53:32 Women bosses/employers.1:56:56 Queens had some authority that men were told to yield to.1:58:39 Should men have a resistant attitude toward women in positions of authority?1:59:20 Should women vote?2:01:28 The Bible is not limiting all women from all authority over all men2:01:59 Women being “homemakers”2:11:08 Am I saying there is no application outside marriage and church?2:12:09 Scripture refutes modern gender values.2:15:23 We should embrace these gender stereotypes.2:19:17 Negative stereotypes to reject.2:21:20 What do we do in our society that kicks against God’s design?2:23:18 What would I say to a young woman who is looking at family and career options?2:23:53 SUMMARY of how to apply biblical principles in society, outside of ministry and marriage2:29:09 What detailed guidelines do we have for women in ministry?2:29:44 what is an elder/pastor?2:37:50 What’s wrong with using “pastor” for people who aren’t biblical elders?2:43:32 What is a deacon? 2:53:22 The two simple principles guiding us regarding women in ministry.2:55:01 Can women be church ushers?2:56:23 What about serving in tech and media ministry?2:56:47 What about being a children’s ministry teacher?2:57:13 What about food ministry?2:57:22 What about unofficial teaching moments?2:59:15 What about women evangelizing men?3:00:28 What about “stage evangelism” like Greg Laurie?3:01:46 What about women theologians?3:06:08 What about being in seminary classes?3:07:53 A woman theologian who writes a book on theology that men read?3:12:19 Running a podcast or YouTube channel?3:17:00 Women’s ministries and weak women3:18:07 Women prophesying in mixed gathering?3:22:17 Doing church announcements?3:22:47 Leading in prayer congregationally?3:23:48 Any ministry that isn’t to adult men?3:24:43 When does a boy become a man?3:30:03 Being a leader and teacher in youth ministry?3:32:16 Women teaching men and women outside of the church setting?3:37:09 Teaching in church apart from the Sunday pulpit?3:41:00 Teaching in church from the Sunday morning pulpit?3:48:01 Women worship leaders?3:51:41 Leading ministries to children with men under their authority?3:53