20 Questions with Pastor Mike (Episode 98)
BibleThinker - En podkast av Mike Winger - Lørdager

0:00 - Intro 0:56 {“Work Out” My Salvation??} What does it mean to "work out your salvation with fear and trembling"? Is that a literal statement? 20:14 {Did Jesus Bodily Rise if He Appeared in the Flesh?} Jehovah's Witnesses claim that Jesus was resurrected as a spirit only (not a bodily resurrection) since He appeared in a locked room, and if He was in the flesh He couldn't have done that. What are your thoughts in response to this? 25:06 {Honoring Parents through Marital Friction} How can I honor and love my parents biblically when they take offense at and criticize my wife and I for every little thing we do? It's making my wife anxious, and we're going to have a baby. We want a relationship with them, but they seem committed to bitterness. 30:44 {Can Non-Believers bear the Fruit of the Spirit?} Can someone who is not a Christian show the fruit of the Spirit? 34:28 {Will Sharing Tough Truth Ruin our Witness?} I'm afraid to talk about issues like abortion, LGBT, etc. for fear that I'll turn people off so much that they won't listen AT ALL when I try to share the Gospel. How can I resolve this? 43:54 {How Do We “Abstain from Blood” Today?} How, as 21st century Christians, should we understand the decree for gentile believers to abstain from blood (Acts 15:20, 28, 29)? 53:28 {Are there Really Any “Righteous” People?} Do the Righteous live by faith, or is no one Righteous? How do we reconcile these ideas without compromising their original meaning? 58:38 {Does Sincerity = Salvation?} I have a Muslim friend that I speak with regularly about God. I am a firm Christian, but I question how other God-fearing people who have been indoctrinated into a specific religion are not saved. 1:04:17 {Could the HS be Feminine?} Could the Holy Spirit be feminine? A biblically sound, wiser, older Christian in my life is unsure about this. He brings up decent arguments affirming this view, but then there's John 15:26. Thoughts? 1:09:01 {Has God Hidden What We Need to Know?} What are your thoughts on Mathew 11:25? I was raised in the Branham cult where there is a great deal of anti-intellectualism. They also claim that God has blinded most Christians from Branham. 1:14:41 {Will We Receive Anything We Ask of God?} The Bible says, “Ask and you shall receive.” I asked Jesus to save my mother, but He didn’t. Then why did He say, “Ask and you shall receive”? 1:21:03 {Resolving Translational Differences} Why does 1 Corinthians 11:16 seem to have opposite meanings depending on the translation? How should we understand it? 1:24:30 {Missing Verses? Is My Bible Reliable?} I've just learned that some Bibles are missing passages. How should we approach the Bible knowing some verses have been left out? 1:32:27 {Why Is There Still Evil on Earth?} My 10-year-old wants to know, if Satan was defeated, then why is there still evil on the planet? I couldn’t think of a good way to answer her. Help? 1:36:43 {What is “Hyper-Charismatic”?} Please explain what "hyper-charismatic” means. Thank you. 1:39:27 {Why was Achan’s Household Punished?} Ezekiel 18:20 says that the son shall not suffer for the iniquity of the father. How do you explain the story of Achan in Joshua 7:25 where he and his household were stoned and burned because of his sin? 1:47:17 {Did YHWH Lose to the “god” of Moab?} Did Yahweh lose to the god of Moab in 2 Kings 3:27? 1:58:54 {Is There a Temple in Heaven?} Is there a literal temple in Heaven, or is that meant to be understood figuratively? I have always understood that the temple/tabernacle on Earth were to represent truths about Heaven. 1:59:54 {Using Time Wisely in Marriage} My husband likes to spend hours on meaningless videos or gaming. How can I t